
Culture Vultures: Griffith Review

Join Griffith Review contributors Esther Anatolitis, Darby Jones and Raeden Richardson as they consider digital versus real world artistic spaces, the hyperreality of the information age and making art in the age of algorithms, with host Carody Culver.


10 May 12:00
State Library of Victoria, Theatrette
60 mins
Access: Wheelchair
In modern life, there’s no escaping the onslaught of content or the algorithms that drive it. As we stream, tap and swipe our way through endless entertainment feeds, how can we define our own taste or tell our own stories? Have we reached the end of meaningful culture? And what place does criticism occupy in this ever-shifting landscape?

Join Griffith Review contributors Esther Anatolitis, Darby Jones and Raeden Richardson as they consider the creative self, digital versus real world artistic spaces, the hyperreality of the information age and making art in the age of algorithms, with host Carody Culver.


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Culture Vultures: Griffith Review