Selling Fast

Primary Schools Day - Monday

Primary school students are invited to explore fresh perspectives and ignite their creativity with an inspiring lineup of authors at State Library Victoria.

The engaging program features the hilarious Nat Amoore, bestselling author Reece Carter, artist and author Nabeel Khan and the award-winning Jess Sanders.

The Primary Schools Day runs from 10am-2pm. Tickets purchased grant entrance to the full day (all four author sessions). Between sessions, students can meet the authors, have their books signed and browse a selection of titles available for purchase (card only) at a Readings pop-up bookstore. 

You have the option to pay via bank card or invoice at the check out. If you select to pay via invoice, please be aware that you will be making a reservation and your booking will be confirmed once payment has been received in full. 


5 May 10:00
Conversation Quarter


Primary Schools Day - Monday