
Santilla Chingaipe: Working with Archives


6 May 18:00
Wheeler Centre
150 mins
Access: Wheelchair
Equip yourself to research and write history with author, historian and filmmaker Santilla Chingaipe
In this practical workshop, Santilla will share insights into researching and writing history, honed through her extensive work across journalism, documentary-making, and in her book, Black Convicts: How slavery shaped Australia. She’ll consider the challenges of unearthing historical records, ethical considerations in interpreting archival information, and how historians can approach and address gaps in recorded histories.  
This workshop will provide a research framework for historians at all stages of their careers, whether writing about major historical events and movements or bringing individual stories from the past to life.

This workshop runs for 2.5 hours.

MWF Workshops are presented in partnership with Writers Victoria


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Santilla Chingaipe: Working with Archives