
The Fifth Estate: Citizenship and Its Discontents

Are the voices of ordinary people fully present in Australian media, politics and halls of power? Political historian Judith Brett and advocate and author Thomas Mayo explore civic responsibility, political engagement and public identity in this federal election year.


10 May 16:00
60 mins
Access: Wheelchair
Democracy is about more than democratic institutions and sets of written rules and laws. It’s also a culture that must be nourished and lived by us all. As we enter the second half of this pivotal decade, what is the evolving role of citizens in shaping major political, social and cultural shifts in Australia?

Thomas Mayo and Judith Brett come together to discuss the dimensions of Australia’s public and collective identity, from political engagement and civic responsibility to the challenges facing us in this federal election year. Join them as they consider whether the voices of ordinary people are fully present in media, politics and halls of power. With host Sally Warhaft. 

In partnership with The Wheeler Centre


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The Fifth Estate: Citizenship and Its Discontents