Past Event Conversation

David Marr: Killing for Country

David Marr shares insight into Killing for Country, his gripping reckoning with the brutal history of Australia’s unresolved frontier wars, in conversation with Sally Warhaft.  


12 May 12:00
State Library Conversation Quarter
Access: Wheelchair
David Marr was shocked to discover that members of his family were officers in the Queensland Native Police, an armed force believed to have massacred some 40,000 First Nations people during the 19th century. 

Killing for Country is his relentless exposé of those forebears and the greed, hatred and violence they let loose. Bringing together Marr’s experience as a former lawyer, Killing for Country is a modern classic revealing the brutal fight for possession of a country from one of our most unflinching and forensic reporters. 

Join Marr as he speaks with Sally Warhaft about the ghosts of the unresolved frontier wars that haunt us today.  


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David Marr: Killing for Country